One Man Band In A Class Of His Own Jessica Mills Music Features August 7, 2014 0Since bursting onto the blues and roots scene in 2002 Melbourne born Ash Grunwald has won numerous awards and a...
Checking In With Joel Fletcher Jessica Taylor BPMMusic Features August 7, 2014 0We spoke to Joel Fletcher earlier this year about his debut single Swing ft Savage and his support for the...
A Brand Of His Own Lachlan Bryan Music Features August 7, 2014 0When Adam Brand won TV’s Dancing with The Stars back in 2009 he was already an established mainstay of the...
Marcia Marcia Hines Til Heggie Music Features August 7, 2014 0An Australian music industry legend and household name, Marcia Hines has enjoyed a career spanning more than four decades in...
Allday A Splendour For Lily Melinda Ransom BPMMusic Features August 7, 2014 0Allday; a Vegan, Rapper, a native of Adelaide but now resides in the metropolis of Melbourne. Everybody, meet Allday, if...
The Boys Are Back In Town Melinda Ransom Live N LocalMusic Features August 7, 2014 0Have you ever closed your eyes and felt like you were 16 again? Well that was my afternoon. A cold...
2014 Vanda & Young Songwriting Competition PEARL HQ Music Features August 7, 2014 0APRA AMCOS, Alberts and Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Australia (NRMTA) are pleased to announce that entries for the 2014 Vanda &...
Seven In Heaven With Prosdo Jiay Mills BPMMusic Features August 7, 2014 01. Tell me about yourself I always hate this question when you have to go around the circle introducing everyone...
Elegist Come To Frankston Jesse Lane Live N LocalMusic Features August 7, 2014 0Up and coming heavy acts from Sydney making a name for themselves, seems to be a regular trend at this...
Andy Walks The Cadillac Walk PEARL HQ Live N LocalMusic Features August 7, 2014 0It was with curiosity that I ventured over to The Seaford Hotel one fine Sunday afternoon in June. I drive...