ROCKSTAR BAR CELEBRATES MIDNIGHT OIL PEARL HQ Music FeaturesNews Feed October 6, 2016 0Bringing the music of ‘The Oils’ back to live venues around the country, THE MIDNIGHT OIL SHOW celebrate the music,...
59 ROCKERS SOULTRAIN DEBUT Terri Lee Fatouros Live N LocalNews Feed October 6, 2016 0Rock’n Roller’s get ready for a Sunday Soultrain debut that’s been a long time coming. Peninsula pride Diddy Reyes and...
ITCHY FINGERS SUNDAY AT SOULTRAIN Terri Lee Fatouros Live N LocalMusic FeaturesNews Feed September 27, 2016 0Rockabilly, rhythm & blues with plenty of ‘oomph’ are great words to describe high octane 50s, 60s rock‘n’roll, and that’s...
JUMP DEVILS JUMP BACK INTO ACTION Terri Lee Fatouros Live N LocalNews Feed August 4, 2016 0Feel like dancing to the smooth sounds of blues swing with early rock & roll thrown in the mix? Then...
FUDGE BACK FOR FLANAGANS SHENANIGANS PEARL HQ Live N LocalNews Feed July 17, 2016 0Flanagan’s in Frankston gives one back to band-fans next month launching into another night of live music with the return...
QUEENS BIRTHDAY KING OF THE BLUES PEARL HQ Live N LocalMusic FeaturesNews Feed June 11, 2016 0It’s Queens Birthday Long Weekend and Davey’s Sunday Soultrain is celebrating with our very own ‘King of the Blues’! Sunday...
WILBUR’S WILD SOULTRAIN RIDE PEARL HQ Music Features April 16, 2016 0Well known to many Australian’s as the resident talking saxophone player on the widely popular television show Hey Hey it’s...
DETONATING SUNDAY AT 3PM PEARL HQ Live N LocalNews Feed March 29, 2016 0Swinging back into the original 3pm start time at Sunday Soultrain on April 17 Australia’s high priests of roots rock...
JIMMY CUPPLES EASTER SUNDAY SOULTRAIN PEARL HQ Live N LocalNews Feed March 23, 2016 0Jimmy Cupples and Wired make their long awaited return to Sunday Soultrain at Davey’s on Easter Sunday March 27 in...
ITCHY FINGERS RETURN TO SOULTRAIN Simon Mills Live N Local February 12, 2016 0There’s some exciting news from Sunday Soultrain ahead with the launch of Beachcombers Sunday Market on Sunday February 21 at...