ALL ABOARD FOR ROSIE & THE MIGHTY KINGS Simon Mills Live N LocalNews Feed November 14, 2015 0The Sunday Soultrain is stopping all stations, collecting a full carriage of surprise guests and sentimental fave’s along the way....
THE EXPERIENCE – RIP 45TH JIMI HENDRIX PEARL HQ News FeedUptown Pearl September 9, 2015 0The Experience 45th anniversary of the passing of Jimi Hendrix Hendrix re-wrote the guitar playing rule book during a span...
RED FANG TO HEADLINE CHERRYROCK – AC/DC LANE PEARL HQ Festival NewsFestivalsNews FeedUptown Pearl March 5, 2015 0Cherry Bar is bringing out their favourite band in the world to mark the triumphant return of CherryRock. From Portland...
Don’t Call It A Comeback Simon Mills Live N LocalUptown Pearl September 4, 2014 0Wilder than a truckload of tigers on acid, Australian funk-rock mega-giants, Defryme return with a distinctive madness that’ll rip off...