FUR COAT STEP UP FOR BALANCE PRESENTS PEARL HQ BPM April 16, 2015 0However you choose to describe riveting Venezuelan-born, Barcelona-based duo Fur Coat’s style, there’s no denying that theirs is very much...
NEW BAND FOR BO JENKINS PEARL HQ Live N LocalNews Feed April 12, 2015 0Bo certainly lived up to his reputation in first local show for many years at Sunday Soultrain early last month,...
EARTHCORE TICKETS FROM PEARL & SAVE PEARL HQ BPM FeaturesMusic ReleasesNews FeedTickets On Sale April 11, 2015 0That’s right! Pearl Magazine has 200 special release early bird tickets available now at only $200…saving around $100 on the...
SPIRIT OF THE ANZACS Lee Keraghan PEARL HQ CD ReviewsTickets On Sale April 3, 2015 0‘SPIRIT OF THE ANZACS’, the remarkable new album from Lee Kernaghan & Special Guests, has moved up from last week’s...
PENINSULA PICNIC A SELL OUT PEARL HQ Music Features April 3, 2015 0The Peninsula Picnic hosted at Mornington Racecourse yesterday welcomed a sell-out crowd of 4,500 picnickers, exceeding all expectations of event...
DING DONG IT’S PUGSLEY BUZZARD PEARL HQ Uptown Pearl April 3, 2015 0Launching at Ding Dong Lounge, The Gumbo Club is set to become your new favourite Thursday night in Melbourne. Featuring...
R.I.P FUTURE MUSIC FESTIVAL PEARL HQ BPMFestivalsNews Feed April 3, 2015 0Mushroom Group are saddened to announce their decision to discontinue Future Music Festival. Despite the considerable critical acclaim of the...
SPENDA C: HUGE TOUR & NEW SINGLES! PEARL HQ BPM April 1, 2015 0Australia’s trap and bass music leader announce two new releases and his most comprehensive tour to date! Spenda C aka...
SILVERCHAIR – FROGSTOMP 20th Anniversary Edition PEARL HQ CD ReviewsMusic ReleasesNews Feed March 27, 2015 0Sony Music Entertainment Australia is proud to announce the release of the 20th Anniversary remastered edition of silverchair’s history making...
TAXIRIDE, BOOM CRASH & CHOIRBOYS TO SEAFORD PEARL HQ Live N LocalMusic FeaturesNews Feed March 27, 2015 0The new Seaford Hotel Band Room continues to make its presence felt. Back on the forefront of live local music...