Up Close & Unplugged (October 2014) – BLUES MOUNTAIN Terri Lee Fatouros Columns & BlogsLive N Local October 6, 2014
Mixtape Of The Month (August 2014) Jiay Mills BPMCD Reviews August 7, 2014 0TRIPLE J MIX JANUARY 2010 OPIUO Ever wanted some extra funk in your life? What about some warm syrupy bass...
Take Five, Less Is Moar Jiay Mills BPMMusic FeaturesUptown Pearl July 3, 2014 0Blake Rayment or here known as ‘Less is Moar’. A maverick of techno categorization ‘Less is Moar’ has a flair...
FriBays On Top Jiay Mills BPMLive N Local July 3, 2014 0Rain, Hail or Shine… Fribays will always be guaranteed to heave – and July brings us much happiness. The first...
Earthcore: Hook, Line & Sinker Jiay Mills BPMFestival NewsFestivals July 3, 2014 0The motivation levels lack in most areas throughout these cold, wet months of the year – but just keep in...
Mixtape Of The Month (July 2014) Jiay Mills BPMCD Reviews July 3, 2014 0XS DISCO MIX Dom Dolla A soothing House mixtape from Dom Dolla put together for the boys down at XS...
Mixtape Of The Month (June 2014) Jiay Mills BPMCD Reviews June 5, 2014 0M A N I K is a New York City born and bred music producer who’s tastes reach beyond the...
Palace Theatre Closure, But Anyway Moves On… Jiay Mills BPMUptown Pearl June 5, 2014 0Late last month, Melbourne’s most iconic music venue shut its doors to the public. According to the venue, the landlord...
Splendour In The Grass Lineup Is Here Jiay Mills Festival NewsFestivalsLive N Local May 1, 2014 0The lineup has dropped for Australia’s Biggest Music Festival in North Byron… and wow-wee, we are definitely impressed! Outkast (Only...
This Is Cruze… And This Is Chardy Jiay Mills BPMLive N Local May 1, 2014 0If your not backing up the last few crazy long weekends with another few crazy weekends… you’re definitely doing it...
Just Jiggers Jiay Mills BPM May 1, 2014 0Born into a musical family, it came as no surprise that Jiggers ambitions lied with music. At only 20 years...