AUSSIE OUTLAWS HIT SANDOWN Simon Mills Live N LocalNews Feed January 18, 2016 0Take one part Screaming Jet, and one part Dirty Deed, and shake repeatedly on a rock n ‘roll roadtrip for...
AN ANGEL AND A SCREAMING JET Simon Mills Live N LocalMusic FeaturesNews Feed April 13, 2015 0Rosebud Hotel embarks on a new era of entertainment as Friday’s launch into a new format for music fans. Aimed...
THIRSTY MERC POWERED MOTORING FESTIVAL Simon Mills Festival FeaturesFestivalsNews FeedUptown Pearl March 27, 2015 0The Australian Motoring Festival is on this weekend at the Melbourne Show Grounds and this year adds an exciting live...
OUTLAWS HIT THE GENERAL Simon Mills Live N Local December 6, 2014 0Take one part Screaming Jet, and one part Dirty Deed, and shake repeatedly for 25 years on a rock n...
SCREAMING JETS 25TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR Melinda Ransom Music Features November 8, 2014 0The upcoming national tour for The Screaming Jets is going to be something very special, for fans and the band...
Jet To The Seaford Simon Mills Live N Local June 5, 2014 0Renowned as one of the most prolific songwriters in Australian Rock, Paul Woseen has spent the past 25 years as...