OUTLAWS HIT THE GENERAL Simon Mills Live N Local December 6, 2014 0Take one part Screaming Jet, and one part Dirty Deed, and shake repeatedly for 25 years on a rock n...
DALLAS RETURNS TO BAHA Til Heggie Live N LocalMusic Features November 8, 2014 0Just days after premiering their new lineup at Adelaide’s Follow The Sun festival, PEARL chatted to the front woman and...
Meeking Mad Simon Burke Live N Local August 7, 2014 0Michael Meeking and the Lost Souls have returned home after a successful UK tour and will be hitting up Baha’s...
Rockabilly Baha Simon Mills Live N Local July 3, 2014 0Do you love Rockabilly? Well you’ll love this! Ba-Ha goes Rockabilly Sunday August 3rd kicking starting with two well known...
Bahastard Simon Burke Live N Local June 5, 2014 0Baha Music Bar in Rye welcomes an exciting, up and coming Australian act in Little Bastard on July 5. Touring...
Core Metal PEARL HQ Live N Local April 3, 2014 0Baha is bringing the thunder to Rye on Friday May 9 when the local metal band Overproof Groove album launch...