FALLS FESTIVAL RISES FROM THE ASHES PEARL HQ Festival FeaturesFestivalsUncategorized January 19, 2016
FAT PIZZA Vs HOUSOS… IT’S FULLY SIK PEARL HQ Live N LocalNews FeedTickets On Sale November 25, 2015 0You’ve seen the movie; now see the Fat Pizza & Housos go toe to toe live on stage just in...
TEN OUT OF TEN SHANNON NOLL Til Heggie Music Features October 7, 2014 0Shannon Noll has an undeniable everyman appeal. The only Australian male artist in ARIA chart history to have ever achieved...
Fighting Fire With Song Lachlan Bryan Music Features September 4, 2014 0McAlister Kemp have a reputation as Australia’s foremost country-rocking party band, but there’s a certain depth to their music that...
A Brand Of His Own Lachlan Bryan Music Features August 7, 2014 0When Adam Brand won TV’s Dancing with The Stars back in 2009 he was already an established mainstay of the...
Up Close & Unplugged (July 2014) Terri Lee Fatouros Columns & BlogsLive N Local July 3, 2014 0KEVIN BLOODY WILSON If you’ve ever caught yourself changing the words of an innocent song into a bawdy ballad, then...
Stand & Deliver Simon Burke Live N Local June 5, 2014 0If you like awesome hair and copious amounts of glitter then you’ll love Stand and Deliver. Renowned as Australia’s greatest...
Country Star Is Urban Legend In The Making Lachlan Bryan Music Features June 5, 2014 0With the worldwide success of Keith Urban as inspiration, it’s somewhat surprising that so few male, mainstream country artists in...
Stonefield Deserve Our Love Jessica Mills Music Features March 6, 2014 0What started as four sisters practicing their musical instruments together in their parents’ shed in a tiny rural township north of Melbourne...