Til’s Tidbit (August 2014)

In the space of just four years, 26-year-old Marcus Haney has been to nearly 50 music events around the world, including Coachella, Glastonbury, Bonnaroo and even the Grammys.  All without spending a single cent on admission.

Sure, there are many ways to get into festivals if you are sprightly, footloose and complete broke, but this guy really puts your best efforts of scaling a fence and hot stepping out of security’s reach to shame.

Throughout his travels, Haney has filmed as much as he could, including being taken on tour with Mumford & Sons and The Naked & Famous after they heard tale of his legacy. The consequential documentary, No Cameras Allowed, could well have resulted in a portrayal of a young man’s hubris, yet surprises in what culminates as a coming-of-age story akin to Almost Famous.

From sneaking into Coachella via a portaloo, masquerading as talent and press, to finding friendship with his music idols, Haney has turned himself into one of the most sought-after photographers in the music industry.

No Cameras Allowed, is expecting an official release “soon”. You can check out the trailer online. Prepare to be jealous.