Flix Fix

The movie of a generation, Mrs Doubtfire, made hilarious by the late, great Robin Williams is turning 21 and will be on show at the Shirley Burke Theatre on October 4 at 2pm.

Whether you grew up watching this movie or are taking your kids to see it for the first time, it has all the makings of a family classic. Robin Williams excels as the air guitar playing, cross-dressing nanny with a body suit and multiple personalities.

Residing in the ‘where are they now’ file, Mara Wilson plays the adorable Nattie along side Sally Field and for the ladies, a young Pierce Brosnan.  In keeping with the theme of Mrs Doubtfire, there is prizes for the best crazy dress ups along with laughs tears and a bit of light swearing, which never did anyone any harm.

If you fancy a light hearted afternoon, get down to the Shirley Burke Theatre, 64 Parkers Rd, Parkdale, on Saturday October 4. Admission $10.