1. Your personal theme song
As a band our theme song would have to be “Can’t get enough of your love baby” by Barry White
2. Favourite super hero
Favourite super hero is Fronzilla
3. First Concert you went to
2006 Greenday Australian tour with My Chemical Romance and Jimmy Eat World
4. What popular song would you want to cover?
Justin Timberlake’s entire discography
5. Catch Phrase?
My personal motto would be “tell it how it is” my dad always told me to be straight up about things, and on my 18th birthday he had it engraved into the side of my microphone, our band motto however is “f**k her right in the pussy”
6. Favourite video game
My favourite video game at the moment is Assassins Creed
7. Personal favourite song at the moment
Been jamming Trophy Eyes new album “Mend, Move on.” a lately so my favourite song at the moment is Penfold State Forest
8. What’s something about the band not a lot of people would know?
We listen to only Barry White at band practice
9. What do you want to achieve on your next tour/show?
Well we haven’t actually toured yet so that’s a goal in itself, but for our first tour we’d obviously like to achieve mad amounts of exposure
10. Who do you feel is doing the best in your genre?
Void of Vision are killing it at the moment, special mentions to our mates in The City at Night they dropped a banga of an EP late last year
If this didn’t get you interested in Along Shorelines, I don’t know what will! Catch these home boys down at the Sea Festival, Headspace and Fresh Entertainment stage on the 16th from 6pm onwards!